: Changed the approach to only get the possible solutions for each next step, which sped up the …

: The brute-force-method caused a major headache but it works! I can solve all Sudokus in theory, but …

: So currently I’m checking the Sudoku board for 0s with only one possible solution. This works …

: Simple solving Sudoku works now with multiple solving passes.

: On the Sudoku-Front: The easier part is done, I can analyze rows of numbers if they are valid (1-9) …

: Game idea: Unsorted chat bubbles that need to be sorted into the right chronological order. Could be …

: I was testing the newish Zed-Editor recently. Some slight details still bother be, so I won’t …

: Messing around with a sudoku–solver in Elixir. I haven’t done Elixir in long time, although I …

: A nice detail in Godot: In the editor-sidebar, a file will appear bluer, the more recently it has …

: Already got some systems in place, I can move single steps depending on the angle. The Trek-Game …

: Got back to 97/98 kg since April. Started Gym twice per week and increasing proteins. Feeling pretty …

: Currently doing a modern version of WinTrek, while learning Godot. I played WinTrek on my old PCs …

: Long time no post. I released the Pico-8 Solitaire: www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/

: Adding Windows 95 UI is always the best idea.

: Pico-8 is peaceful

: The Cpp/Raylib-version of the solitaire-game is kinda on hold. No motivation to do card-images. The …

: TIL: Two of the same highways in the US can have more than one mutual junction. #geoguessr

: Shuffling Cards in Pico-8/Lua

: Solitaire is an interesting dev-project. The rules are quickly done. The real work comes with …

: The current looks of kuso–solitaire.

: Managed to get a high-res web-export with Raylib. It doesn’t work with resizable, since the …

: Yak-shaving with the art-style again, but I think I like the vector-look more for this. Some more …

: Trying out more-readable fonts for the card-numbers. Also I think I’ll ditch the jaggy …

: Got basic animations working, and every card is now a sprite. WASM-Build works.

: Sketching the other Faces

: Exploring a style for the card-game. Aseprite, PICO-8 Palette.

: First round played on the card-game. No win-state yet, but fully solved with a random deal.

: The current game-dev-project is an italian version of solitaire, with brescola-cards. First time …

: The current game-in-progress is actually fun to work on. A clone of “Dungeons & …

: /imagine vast atmospheric plain landscape, arizona desert, few clouds, huge mountains in the back, …

: Current game-prototype-idea is Lxk8 but as idle-game.

: Some attempts on generating tile-able backgrounds for game-prototypes. Created by Midjourney V5.

: “Buy once, cry once” —its_iron

: Game idea: Diary fillout detective game in the style of Obra Dinn or Golden Idol.

: Started a DevLids-Web-Component. codepen.io/niorad/pe…

: The boss just left the company after 10ish years. I’m there since 2010. So many folks coming …


: Current state of the binary guesser game. Made with Flutter.

: Playing around a bit with the new Container-Queries, still noticing inconsistencies. Firefox …

: Game Idea: How long do you need to write a number in binary? A number is given, like 2342. You have …

: 2342 = 100100100110

: So in Dart, “const” is for values that are known at compile-time, “final” is …

: It’s hard to find out what the actual syntactical differences are between Dart and TS.

: My cell-phone/smart-phone history Part 2

: My cell-phone/smart-phone history Part 1

: My music device pre-smartphone history

: The current game-idea is Threes but with directional cards where you can only merge in certain …

: Was sick Thu/Fr, today back at work, son(0) is in school, son(1) had a fever at night and is home, …

: 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝’𝚜 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚋𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚜 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝’𝚜 𝚠𝚑𝚢 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐𝚜 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐 𝙼𝚊𝚢𝚋𝚎 𝚠𝚎 𝚘𝚠𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 …

: First try without reading up on how to do it. Next brick crashed it.

: So my official weight after the holidays is 97kg. Just got the new scale yesterday. I want to get …

: Managed to get my CO2-Sensor working with C# and Raylib. Made a little LCARS Interface. I did that …

: I got memory confused with variable registers at lots of places. Now it works! Sound is still …

: Bye bye intermittent fasting. Did it for 2+ years. It helped a lot with maintaining weight. Not so …

: Continuing the calorie-counting today. 3 Months to go! What a day for my scale to break. At least no …

: Not quite there yet. Some simpler ROMs work, some look weird, but at least no crashes. #chip8 …

: Finished the Wire re-run, 10 years later. Best show ever, nothing comes close.

: OMG my Chip-8 is chipping!

: After some initial confusion about memory, stack etc. (no good at those things) I finally got some …

: Still at 95-96 kg. Took a break from calorie counting during the break. Continuing on Monday. 10kg …

: I got pretty far in the last Advent of Code. Never learned so much in a month. The rest I’ll …

: 96kg on the weight loss front. Thats 7-8 kg since starting two months ago. It’s already …

: 3yo: “Papa hast du Geburtstag?” “Ne erst in vier Tagen” “ABER DU BIST …

: Not a lot of weight-movement currently, 97,5 as of this morning. On the last belt-hole. Plan still …

: Re-watching The Wire. Got it on Apple for 35€ HD remastered. Every second is gold. This is how good …

: My MiYoo is supposed to arrive tomorrow. There seem to be no issues with customs. Already got a …

: Still on the Lxk8-Pico8-Game. Fun times!

: A controlled jump for Pico-Lxk8. The idea is (from googling) to apply a lower gravity to the player …

: 98,2 kg this morning. 20 Weeks until April 1st and 18,2 kg to go. Below 90kg it gets somewhat harder …

: Doing an Lxk8-Remake in Pico-8. Every time I use it I’m delighted. Nice to do some yolo-coding …

: Started learning Rust a few days ago. Today having a presentation about JAM-Stack. 100,1 kg as of …

: A thing I wrote in a Discord I always loved programming, but wasn’t good enough at school to get into an …

: The math.floor of my current weight is 101. Two kilos down. 21 to go.

: I strongly believe that most folks who complain about Electron never seriously tried other …

: The hardest days when losing weight are the ones with not much to do. Like today I‘m alone at home …

: In other news, got the X-Box Wireless Headset and it does such a good job with 2 connections, …

: Cola without sugar and caffein sounds bogus, but those zero-drinks make losing weight soooo much …

: The first days of #project80 were surprisingly OK. Usually the first days are the hardest, it feels …

: This is my weight since I started using myFitnessPal.

: Monday I started counting calories again. Last year I lost 10 kg (108 -> 98), regained 7 kg this …

: Played aroung with Godot 4 Beta 2. No Web-Exports work, but really liking it so far. GDScript is …

: Finished Today: Sniper Elite 5, Blake Crouch: Upgrade, Better Call Saul, Hack*Match from Last Call …

: Current Look

: Building the gameplay is more fun than creating levels.

: Current state Hangar-Puzzler-Prototype. Inspired by Dungeons & Diagrams.

: I’m more and more convinced that long-running compilers and other build-processes are the No. …

: I’m happier when I: - Do some kind of movement that is more than biking or walking - Do some …

: So if you wanna burn yourself Remember that I love you And if you wanna cut yourself Remember that I …

: Don’t worry Don’t compare Don’t expect too fast Be kind to yourself

: Current state. We have “ships” (the colored shapes”) with stats.

: In game-prototyping it’s so vital that you get an answer to “is it …

: This is how the hangar-puzzle prototype looks right now. Made in React. If it shows any resemblence …

: “Only ideas won by walking have any value”

: Started looking at SwiftUI. Really similar to current web-front-end. Have an idea for DevLids: …

: www.temporarilyembarrassedmillionaires.org

: I’m much more relaxed in the afternoon. From 15:00 on I feel more calm and not so nervous or …

: If you need a user-onboarding for a UI-Redesign, the redesign can’t be that good.

: A little accident yesterday evening. Spilled some liquid over the keys.

: Some years ago I used Emacs for a while, and now setting it up again, following a Clojure-Course. …

: Checking out Clojure this morning. Cider didn’t work on Emacs following …

: Googling for my old nickname “Kfeeras” led me to a Reddit Thread from 2021. They posted …

: While lots of people seemed to have lots of more free time during the pandemic, I had almost no free …

: I need 10 minutes by bike to the bubble-tea-store and back.

: It’s one of either “using H3 because it’s too small for H1” (styling) or …

: In my time interviewing at my current work (Junior–Senior Front-End-Devs), I didn’t have one …

: Game-Dev: Have to remind myself that the engine doesn’t matter at first. Use something quick …

: Checking out Defold-Engine. Nice for 2D. Good showcase-game poki.com/en/g/zoom…

: Pfusch to Talk

: NTS: use Joey Jo-Jo Junior Shabadoo somewhere

: .

: 💻 Not sure which kind of modal-component is more DX-friendly. 1: One which is used programmatically, …

: On Peppa Pig there are „normal“ doctors and vets.

: Last day of therapy today after almost 2 years.

: 💻 One thing I would love to see in Lit: The option to make a component without creating a custom …

: 💻 Lit mostly provides a security-layer for interpreting HTML (Lit-HTML), and a couple of …

: 💻 I really enjoy working with WebComponents/Lit. If I made a list of all the pros and cons, there …

: 💻 Lit-ClassMaps are more useful than expected. Also I increased the print-width in my editor and …

: This is a nice ASCII-Zine. www.legowelt.org/shadowwol… Thinking about doing a …

: Yo Discord. Why is the cross green?

: Also I finally feel like doing something productive again, after the whole stress with the second …

: The main goal for the new DevLids-Client is to allow for a more browsable UX. Something with a nicer …

: 💻 Next.js is caching images, even from 3rd party sources. Very convenient! Currently running Kirby …

: 💻 Managed to update DevLids’ KirbyCMS to the latest version and connect NextJS, all local, via …

: 💻 This git-command is a live-saver for late timesheet-bookers: git log --since="7 days …

: 💻 About one or two years ago (I really don’t remember) I switched the color-scheme in my main …

: I wonder if we (in IT and consulting) will ever return to any form of regulated attendance, where …

: Friday-afternoon is my most productive time. Usually no meetings, nobody needs help. There’s a …

: 💻 Petite-Vue is a lighter version of Vue.js, which can be just dropped into an html-document. Its …

: Today I’m 14 years on Twitter. I’m happy that they don’t show you your first …

: There are 36 kinds of stories. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thirty-Six_Dramatic_Situations

: 🎮 Played a little Elden today (30 minutes). Ended up at two sealed gates and no idea how to …

: MacOS Safari does not display the page-title of the active tab.

: 💻 I feel like a grandpa reading the Remix-docs remix.run/docs/en/v…

: 🎮 I’m sure it prepares you for overcoming IRL challenges in a way. Maybe kids and youth does …

: 🎮 I never understood the toxic and annoying fandom with Souls games. And how folks keep celebrating …

: 🎮 Also since having kids, I got super-picky and annoyed with games that are wasting my time. Not …

: 🎮 And ultimately the question is, why invest so much time and energy in something that may be fun …

: 🎮 Nowadays I have around 30-60 Minutes a day for gaming. Sometimes a bit more. Less on weekends. For …

: 🎮 I like Elden Ring a lot, more than any other Soulsborne. On the other hand I would have to …

: If you ever wonder how good the Tiktok-Algos are, open it in a new private Browser and scroll …

: “Java is a boilerplate-driven language for writing instant legacy-code” …

: On the other hand, when I do have a concrete idea, I prefer not to use any new tech, but prefer to …

: I often feel the urge to try out new languages, game-engines, frameworks etc. but the interest …

: Is Meteor still a thing? Note to self: look up.

: For full-stack I find it annoying to work on two projects, back- and front-end at the same time. Ofc …

: Asking around some more I came to the conclusion that one should stick to client-only-use with …

: Next (hehehe) step will be to make a simple guess-the-number-game in Next.js.

: Seems like the “api”-folder is the place for such things. Feels stateless on first look. …

: I guess the actual question is, whether it’s able to keep a state in sync with the front-end. …

: Starting to look into Next.js and similar approaches. I wonder if it’s possible to do stuff on …

: Hello, Sailor!