• A nice detail in Godot: In the editor-sidebar, a file will appear bluer, the more recently it has been opened, in terms of how many other files have been opened in the meantime.

  • Already got some systems in place, I can move single steps depending on the angle. The Trek-Game handles diagonal movement as one step resource-wise. Godot-UI is pretty nice, but lacking reactive properties. There are some extensions, but I think for my limited amount it should be fine to go the imperative route.

  • Got back to 97/98 kg since April. Started Gym twice per week and increasing proteins. Feeling pretty good right now. Also I go for a 40 min walk every weekday, while listening to an audiobook.

  • Currently doing a modern version of WinTrek, while learning Godot. I played WinTrek on my old PCs back in Windows 3.1 or ME times.

  • Long time no post. I released the Pico-8 Solitaire: www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/

  • Adding Windows 95 UI is always the best idea.

  • Pico-8 is peaceful

  • The Cpp/Raylib-version of the solitaire-game is kinda on hold. No motivation to do card-images. The Pico-8-Version is just for fun, plus it’s easier for the card-art.

  • TIL: Two of the same highways in the US can have more than one mutual junction. #geoguessr

  • Shuffling Cards in Pico-8/Lua

  • Solitaire is an interesting dev-project. The rules are quickly done. The real work comes with layering the render-order of the cards.

  • The current looks of kuso–solitaire.

  • Managed to get a high-res web-export with Raylib. It doesn’t work with resizable, since the WASM-lib will set the canvas size and you can’t do the 200% width-trick to get a sharp canvas.

  • Yak-shaving with the art-style again, but I think I like the vector-look more for this. Some more features added, too, and it’s starting to feel good for playing. Time to introduce a re-deal, maybe undo and/or difficulties.

  • Trying out more-readable fonts for the card-numbers. Also I think I’ll ditch the jaggy stacking, since the pixel-art doesn’t rotate that well.

  • Got basic animations working, and every card is now a sprite. WASM-Build works.

  • Sketching the other Faces

  • Exploring a style for the card-game. Aseprite, PICO-8 Palette.

  • First round played on the card-game. No win-state yet, but fully solved with a random deal.

  • The current game-dev-project is an italian version of solitaire, with brescola-cards. First time making a card-game. C++/Raylib.

  • The current game-in-progress is actually fun to work on. A clone of “Dungeons & Diagrams”. The same rules, but I want to do it a SciFi-Mining-Look, and instead of 8x8 boards the plan is to do mobile-friendly irregular boards, like 6x8 or 5x7. Tech is ThreeJS and Vue.

  • /imagine vast atmospheric plain landscape, arizona desert, few clouds, huge mountains in the back, detailed digital painting style, low saturation, early morning –aspect 9:20 –no vegetation –v 5

  • Current game-prototype-idea is Lxk8 but as idle-game.

  • Some attempts on generating tile-able backgrounds for game-prototypes. Created by Midjourney V5.

  • “Buy once, cry once” —its_iron

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