A thing I wrote in a Discord
I always loved programming, but wasn’t good enough at school to get into an “Ausbildung” in that direction (also it was Post-Dotcom-Burst). Ten years of detours (and a BA in Design) later, I got into a dev position. At first it was design, but when they saw the websites I did on the side, I “had to” code more and more. At the time, HTML+CSS was enough to know for a full-time-position. Learned “real” programming on the side (still do) which helped keeping afloat when JS got more and more prominent in front-ends. I’m still at the same company since 2011. There was always some new thing to learn. But since a few years now, it got less and less exciting. I still enjoy getting started on new tech X, but very quickly I realize, that I have nothing I want to do with tech X, and no ideas/problems/needs I like to solve with X, so I stop. Especially with 2 small kids there’s just not enough energy left in my free time. I still enjoy playing around with tech. Get an LED to glow with the RaspPI and then letting it sit in the drawer forever… ✨