Monday I started counting calories again. Last year I lost 10 kg (108 -> 98), regained 7 kg this year. The ultimate goal is getting down to 80. I had that for some time when I lost 16 kg in 2016. If I plan with 1 kg per week, which is realistic for about halfway, until it gets harder and half a kg a week is more like it. Anyways with 1 kg a week I’d need 25 Weeks, which means if I make it, it’ll be April 2023. Half a year. Last year I canceled in December because of all the stress with moving homes. Now is a good time to start. Usual events which do “break up” my losing weight are vacations, of which there will be none until April at least no longer travelling. I can still do unlimited home-office and therefore am in control of almost all food intake. I feel like the time is slowly ending where I can make somewhat of a lifestyle-change to increase my health and fitness for the (hopefully) second half of my life. Doing this until April is very ambitious, but worth it. So here we go, #PROJECT 80. See you on April 1st!