• Changed the approach to only get the possible solutions for each next step, which sped up the board-solving from infinity to an instant. The “hardest Sudoku” is now being solved instantly. The only thing that doesn’t really work quickly or at all, is to fill a completely empty board. Not sure if it should, anyways. Will clean up the modules next.

  • The brute-force-method caused a major headache but it works! I can solve all Sudokus in theory, but for more than a couple 0s, it takes longer than a few seconds. I’m generating a list of 0s and their possible numbers, then recursively trying out all possible combinations. So far without “cleaning up” the list as the process happens, so it’s highly ineffective. My next goal would be to manage solving any board in an “awaitable” time.

  • So currently I’m checking the Sudoku board for 0s with only one possible solution. This works for most easy boards, but as soon as it gets medium-hard, it’s not possible to finish the board only by analyzing rows, cols and quads. I don’t know if there are any other algos for solving this in a smarter way (there 100% are), but I didn’t want to just look up a solution before I didn’t do at least a brute force method first.

    • Go through all 0s
    • Use their first possible number
    • As soon as I hit a wall, start from beginning with the next possible number

    This sounds heavy but maybe I can reduce the attempts in some way.

  • Simple solving Sudoku works now with multiple solving passes.

  • On the Sudoku-Front: The easier part is done, I can analyze rows of numbers if they are valid (1-9) and if they are “ok”, which means they may contain 0s, but no number is used more than once. Do I go the brute force-approach first? I’m thinking to first collect all 0s and fill out the ones that only have one possible solution. Repeat until there are only 0s with multiple possible numbers left. This approach may finish very easy Sudokus. Then try out all kinds of combinations of possible numbers, until there is no “contradiction” left.

  • Game idea: Unsorted chat bubbles that need to be sorted into the right chronological order. Could be a group chat. Could be combined with photos, videos or images. Would be trivial to prototype with HTML/CSS/JS.

  • I was testing the newish Zed-Editor recently. Some slight details still bother be, so I won’t switch completely for now. (File-tree is not movable to the right side, no good grayscale-theme and syntax) It has pretty good Elixir-support, so I’m using it for the Sudoku. It’s a great editor all around.

  • Messing around with a sudoku–solver in Elixir. I haven’t done Elixir in long time, although I really enjoy it. For hobby-projects and experiments I usually do something with graphics or UI, and Elixir is better suited for “headless” programs. I’d love to dive more into Phoenix and LiveView, too.

  • A nice detail in Godot: In the editor-sidebar, a file will appear bluer, the more recently it has been opened, in terms of how many other files have been opened in the meantime.

  • Already got some systems in place, I can move single steps depending on the angle. The Trek-Game handles diagonal movement as one step resource-wise. Godot-UI is pretty nice, but lacking reactive properties. There are some extensions, but I think for my limited amount it should be fine to go the imperative route.

  • Got back to 97/98 kg since April. Started Gym twice per week and increasing proteins. Feeling pretty good right now. Also I go for a 40 min walk every weekday, while listening to an audiobook.

  • Currently doing a modern version of WinTrek, while learning Godot. I played WinTrek on my old PCs back in Windows 3.1 or ME times.

  • Long time no post. I released the Pico-8 Solitaire: www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/

  • Adding Windows 95 UI is always the best idea.

  • Pico-8 is peaceful

  • The Cpp/Raylib-version of the solitaire-game is kinda on hold. No motivation to do card-images. The Pico-8-Version is just for fun, plus it’s easier for the card-art.

  • TIL: Two of the same highways in the US can have more than one mutual junction. #geoguessr

  • Shuffling Cards in Pico-8/Lua

  • Solitaire is an interesting dev-project. The rules are quickly done. The real work comes with layering the render-order of the cards.

  • The current looks of kuso–solitaire.

  • Managed to get a high-res web-export with Raylib. It doesn’t work with resizable, since the WASM-lib will set the canvas size and you can’t do the 200% width-trick to get a sharp canvas.

  • Yak-shaving with the art-style again, but I think I like the vector-look more for this. Some more features added, too, and it’s starting to feel good for playing. Time to introduce a re-deal, maybe undo and/or difficulties.

  • Trying out more-readable fonts for the card-numbers. Also I think I’ll ditch the jaggy stacking, since the pixel-art doesn’t rotate that well.

  • Got basic animations working, and every card is now a sprite. WASM-Build works.

  • Sketching the other Faces

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